Chicken and pea soup
- Recipe by: Mike Newton
- Date first written down: 03 January 2022
- Updated:
- N/A
- Partly based on recipes here:
- Notes on ingredients/swaps:
- N/A
To serve
- Serve with a dollop of greek yoghurt, and buttered, crusty, and wam sourdough bread
- 1-2L of chicken stock (made from previously roasted chicken, boiled in water for 2-3 hours)
- Leftover pieces of cooked chicken [shredded (however much to hand)]
- 1-2 red onions [diced]
- 3 medium carrots [diced]
- 1 stick celery [diced]
- 1 small leek [finely diced (or half a larger leek)]
- 1 clove garlic (optional)
- Any other veg to hand (e.g. courgettes, green beans)
- Bunch of fresh thyme (leaves picked and diced) [alternative: fresh sage, or tarragon]
- 200-300g frozen peas
- Lemon juice
- Prepare chicken stock, and shred chicken pieces
- Fry veg
- Add chicken stock
- Simmer 20 mins
- Use stick blender to partly blend (but leave chunky)
- Toss in shredded chicken, and reduce to taste