Resources (elsewhere)
Gathered here are links to resources elsewhere on the web that I’ve found helpful over the years.
Audio tools and utilities
Audio file size calculator (Sound Devices): Useful and quick tool to estimate audio file sizes
BirdNet: Excellent online API and upload portal for machine learning powered birdsong identification
Auditory research
Computational Audiology Network: Comprehensive list of resources for research into sound perception (coding toolboxes, models, etc)
MATLAB (learning)
Data Science with MATLAB (Computational Data Science Lab, University of Texas at Arlington)
MATLAB (toolboxes and 3rd party extensions)
Auditory Modelling Toolbox for MATLAB/Octave (Piotr Majdak and team)
export_fig (Yair Altman /
Eye-friendly colours for MATLAB using ‘solarized’ (developed by Ethan Schoonover / ported to MATLAB by Ben Hager)
shadedErrorBar (Rob Campbell)
Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics (SOFA) Toolbox for MATLAB (
Data Science with Python (Computational Data Science Lab, University of Texas at Arlington)
LaTeX and writing
Trevor Bazett (YouTube): Excellent series of videos on typesetting with LaTeX
Maths and physics
Steve Brunton (YouTube): Incredible video resources for science & engineering subjects from linear algebra to fluids and machine learning
Signals and signal processing
Brian McFee: Digital Signals Theory (online e-book)
Julius O. Smith III: Mathematics of the DFT, Introduction to Digital Filters, and several other fantastic e-books
Peter M. C. Harrison: Introduction to science and music