Resources (from elsewhere)

Gathered here are links to resources elsewhere on the web that I’ve found helpful over the years.

Audio tools and utilities

Audio file size calculator (Sound Devices): Useful and quick tool to estimate audio file sizes

BirdNet: Excellent online API and upload portal for machine learning powered birdsong identification

Auditory research

Computational Audiology Network: Comprehensive list of resources for research into sound perception (coding toolboxes, models, etc)



Eye-friendly colours for MATLAB using ‘solarized’ (developed by Ethan Schoonover / ported to MATLAB by Ben Hager)

Data Science with MATLAB (Computational Data Science Lab, University of Texas at Arlington)

Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics (SOFA) Toolbox for MATLAB (

Auditory Modelling Toolbox for MATLAB/Octave (Piotr Majdak and team)


Data Science with Python (Computational Data Science Lab, University of Texas at Arlington)

LaTeX and writing

Trevor Bazett (YouTube): Excellent series of videos on typesetting with LaTeX

Maths and physics

Steve Brunton (YouTube): Incredible video resources for science & engineering subjects from linear algebra to fluids and machine learning

Signals and signal processing

Brian McFee: Digital Signals Theory (online e-book)

Julius O. Smith III: Mathematics of the DFT, Introduction to Digital Filters, and several other fantastic e-books

Peter M. C. Harrison: Introduction to science and music